Un-Boiling the Egg
I saw a headline the other day that scientists at the University of California at Irvine have developed a process to un-boil and egg. I at first thought, "who cares and why waste time and money researching something so foolish," and I dismissed it. Then a few days later I saw another article in my needs feed about it and I decided to read it.
It was actually pretty interesting and the machine and process will help in reducing the costs of cancer research among other things. Apparently the protein in raw eggs is nicely folded, but when it is boiled the proteins aggregate and tangle and become densely, packed hence the change to hard-boiled. They developed a way to untangle these proteins and allow them to refold. They say that it doesn't turn back into an egg that you would want to cook and eat, but the core protein is there and can be used.
It got me thinking and it now seems so symbolic of my own current journey. Here I am trying to change. Here I am trying to undo some of the things of the past. I don't mean that I am trying to erase the wrongs I have done or that have been done to me, but I am trying to untangle them, refold them in a way that takes up less space in my life. I am trying to go back to my basic self, my core being, the place I was when I was born innocent and full of innate goodness and hope.
Carl Jung talked about Self as differentiated from Ego. I follow his theory that we are all born with a Self and that over time as we develop, grow and experience; our Ego forms and shapes us through the events of our lives - this would be the boiling. Jung also talks about the process of individuation. This is the process of an individual returning to Self, bypassing ones Ego which generally happens after the personality is in some way wounded - this would be the un-boiling.
Well, I was hard-boiled for sure and have been wounded for sure. When science is telling me that they can reverse the boiling it gives me hope. I can be un-boiled. I can untangle myself from my ego and go back to being myself. The third step prayer in AA talks about being relieved from the bondage of self, this to me is another example of un-boiling.
Who am I really? I am loud, I am awkward, I am funny, I am wise, I am motherly, I am loving, I am vulnerable, I am brave, I am frightened, I am bold. I am all these things and more. I am Fiona. I can only be Fiona and Fiona has always been. I have to let labels go, let pre-conceived notions go, let woulda, coulda, shoulda go. I need to let the true story of myself unfold without trying to fit into some one else's narrative. No more do I wish I could be like so and so, I wish simply to be me; un-boiled.
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