Monday, March 7, 2022

"Look at All That I've Been Given"

     Look at All That Ive Been Given


“I don’t care how many times you fall, if you trip, or if you’re pushed, even if you stumble over your own two feet… You’re a phoenix.  Just keep rising.”

Wren Purcell




I have a routine in the mornings now.  I get up and feed the cats because if I don’t, chaos ensues.  Then I make coffee and take it out onto my little wooden deck in the front of my house.  I look out across the Schuylkill River at the flashing red lights of the broadcast towers in Roxborough on the hill opposite and I talk to Joe.  I have conversations with him about the dreams I had and my worries or what makes me laugh.  I talk out loud because to do anything less makes it seem like it doesn’t count somehow.  Some days I talk for a long time and some days I don’t have much to say, but I do it every day now.  I always start the conversation out with, “Good morning Joe… Look at all that I’ve been given.”

I started doing that a few months ago because in the few minutes it takes me to wake up, get up, feed the cats and make coffee I had found that I could already get into a selfish headspace.  A headspace of ungratefulness and self-centeredness.  My thoughts could already start running on a hamster wheel of what was wrong with my life and how I was a victim of circumstance and how others had done me wrong.  Seriously, just five minutes or so and negativity would start to take over.  But if I go outside and look at the lights and the stars and say, “Look at all that I’ve been given.” I can course correct and reboot.  I start to think about how grateful I am for where I am and who I have in my life still and who loves me despite myself.  There are so many things I am blessed with and the things that don’t work or need fixing are like mosquito bites in the grander scheme of things. 

A month or so ago I was at a meeting and the topic centered around step seven which talks about shortcomings and humility.  The speaker was mentioning that he finds people with humility are the ones with gratitude and they are the ones who are most attractive as people.  Something about the topic and the shares moved me to tears.  I so want to be one of those people.  I want to be one of the humble who eschews thinking about what I have been through and thinking that I am somehow owed because of it.  I want so much to remember that I am blessed instead and reach my hands out to help others.

This past Saturday I turned 49.  My whole, lovely and whacky extended family took me out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant.  My daughter baked me a chocolate cake from an old recipe of my Aunt’s that was my favorite growing up.  They made me wear the cheesy sombrero while I blew out the candles and I got some really thoughtful gifts.  My sixteen-year-old son got a gift card for me for the movies so we can go on a mother-son date, “because we haven’t gone on a date to the movies in a long time mom”.  My fourteen-year-old daughter, besides baking the cake, painted the picture of the phoenix attached to the post and wrote the quote that goes with it.  Quite obviously I cried with happiness.

A year ago on my birthday I was hiding the fact that I was drinking and I didn’t think I was going to reach 50 at the time.  Now… well now I get to start my day saying, “look at all that I’ve been given.”